Serving To Learn
How can students learn to serve in
environments that don't mirror real life and
only focus on content mastery?
How can students learn to be leaders in
environments that don't allow them true
responsibility and autonomy?
The underlying skeleton and structure of America's public schools are over 125 years old. These structures have changed very little during that time. Technology has progressed to the point where information is ubiquitous, skill sets are transitioning, and job opportunities depend largely on an economic demand that is both unpredictable and individualized. America's schools must be re-thought and re-designed so that our students, economy, and society reach their potential.
Our "Serving to Learn" and "UnSchool Challenge" ( frameworks are purposely designed to disrupt the structures impeding student opportunity and also accelerate the type of learning experiences most relevant to real life. By developing large-scale systemic mechanisms that allow for the integration of concepts, skills, and standards in a personalized and flexible manner students and teachers can work side by side as they re-imagine what school can be.

Our Time
A growth mindset is only as good as the environment it's cultivated in.